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【Labour day】Pay tribute to the first-line spinning workers

information sources:天塞纺织 | Date of publication:2019-04-30 | Number of visits:4197


“ May you live forever”

Labour day

pay tribute

Tiansai Textile

First-line spinning worker

“Spinning and weaving,

Spinning and weaving,

Our textile workers are busy day and night,

Looking at the spindle and turning around……

This season is a busy period of spinning,

there are a bunch of people,

they are in a hurry,

Going to work, rain or shine.

For the difference between them without workdays and holidays,

they are the blue collar of the textile industry.

first-line spinning worker~

One needle and one thread, one gram and one meter,

It is the fruit of the hard work of the spinning workers.

With their hard work,

we have our colorful life~

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I know them, 

In the deafening mechanical sound, 

In the fluffy yarn,

connected to the slim line,

lifting the heavy shaft~



They are doing ordinary work

 in ordinary positions.

Although not eye-catching,

But they are glowing,

Silently weaving a colorful world of humanity.

Spinning processes are numerous,

Spinning workers stick to the front line in every process.

They are conscientious, diligent, and strive for excellence,

creating high quality and good products~

It is their hard work that laid the foundation for a brilliant future~

Pay tribute to the silent spinning workers!

Thank you for your contribution to the industry!

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